Some extracts below from a really great article on Sales Transformation…

For me this is key now in 2021. Don’t think a new CRM or new Sales Hire is going to change or transform your business. You have to do it.. as the Owner or Directors of the business. You cannot delegate this.. but you can get help doing it.

Extracts start below for the Quick Read.. see the full link below…


Transformation is about achieving the sales results your company is seeking in a way that people are proud of and want to keep doing. You must have both: the achievement of results and the being proud of how you achieve them. The latter that delivers the former.


There are two critical elements of attitude: the purpose on which your selling is focused and the ability of your salespeople to manage their mindset moment by moment as they work.

The dirty little secret about sales is that everyone — seller and client alike — believes down deep that the purpose of selling is to convince the buyer to make the purchase. This conviction is universal, and it is why the sales environment can be so toxic.

Decision Intelligence

You’re likely familiar with IQ and EQ (emotional intelligence). DQ is decision intelligence — the client’s understanding of the problems they have and the solution that will actually solve them. Make that understanding the purpose of your selling activity, and everything can change for the better.

To do so well — to avoid the knee-jerk temptation to pitch, persuade, and pressure — sellers must develop the ability to manage their state of mind as they work. They need to stay relaxed, remain focused on raising the DQ of their client and know the steps their clients must take to make their most informed buying decision.


There are skills salespeople must learn in order to master DQ selling. Chief among them is the art of leading conversations that result in right action: selling conversations that engage clients, build trust and generate committed action and sales management conversations that keep everyone thinking deeply, collaborating fully and developing their expertise.


Sellers must do the right thing at the right time with the right people. Developing and implementing a sales and management system that actually focuses on raising client DQ is a system that sellers actually want to use. It fits with their fundamental integrity and requires the best of their character and ability. For those reasons, it is self-sustaining and results in self-development, job satisfaction and sales success.

Your Next Step

If you’re interested in taking the next step, start talking with three groups of people about how their well-being is expanded or diminished by the experience of your selling activities:

Your Customers

Do they look forward to conversations with your sales staff? Do they come away from them wiser, more informed and more thoughtful? Do they enjoy and benefit from your selling process?

Your Entire Sales Staff, From Rep to Director

Do they flourish personally and professionally from being part of your selling organization? Are they learning? Are they delighted on a daily basis?


Are you thriving in the part you’re playing in sales leadership? Are you growing? Are you finding fulfillment?

Take all of this data — the good, the bad and the ugly — and use it to start shaping a sales system that is grounded in promoting the well-being of everyone involved. When you do so, you will see the release of a powerful, trustworthy energy that will lift your sales and create a workplace that no one wants to leave.

And, you will have greater client loyalty and increased sales — the mark of genuine transformation. ..

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