Why would Shopify, a website / eccomerce offering for businesses, send its customer base “Time Management Tips” for “Busy Entrepreneurs”

(PS they are pretty good)

Because they get it! They know their customers mostly care less about their website builder and its templates and cool features. Most of which they will never know about! They probably got their cousin to help them set it up.

The point is, there are actually much cheaper solutions than Shopify for ecommerce. Lots! But they know that’s NOT the route to the customers heart!.

They post useful blogs and articles that speak to their customers about their real pain points, namely running that small business!

And they know their segment, they know that large corporate will contract a bespoke or much more expensive solution, so they don’t talk to them.

In the world of selling commoditized Tech, and lets face it most tech is pretty much there, its really NOT about fast, easy or cheap. Its about that emotional connection you create with your buyer that you are really here for them, in a much deeper and wider way than your product will ever offer.




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